Key signs a timing belt or chain might be jumped:
Engine won’t start: This is the most obvious sign, as a severely jumped belt or chain can prevent the engine from firing properly.
Bad Timing Belt or Timing Chain symptoms
Rough idling or misfires: The engine may run unevenly or intermittently due to incorrect valve timing.
Loss of power: You might notice a significant decrease in engine power when accelerating.
Ticking or rattling noises: A worn or stretched timing chain can produce noticeable rattling sounds, while a failing belt might make ticking noises.
Check engine light: The engine control module may detect the timing issue and illuminate the check engine light.
Excessive exhaust smoke: In some cases, a jumped timing belt can cause increased exhaust fumes
bad fire: un burned gases due to misfire / mis timing
Tensioner springloaded / hydraulic.
Bad water / coolant pump
Not starting: broke volves in the cylinders
Late spark:
Oil leak from the head of engine: timing chain may steches the seals or gaskets can lead to lean engine oil or gsket weaout /overheat.
Metal shvaing in the oil:
detector to use air / fuel ratio

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